Selection of an air Handling Unit is a time consuming procedure for any professional design engineer which usually includes among others the following:
- Size selection based on various variables including air flow and face velocity
- Decision of the unit configuration based on space dimensions as well as components required Selection of all relative components included in the unit such as Fans, Motors, Drive-sets, Cooling/Heating coils, Recovery sections, filters, Sound attenuators ect.,
- Fully dimensioned drawings of the unit Checks for available space in the mechanical room either for positioning of the unit or for duct connections.
To cater for the diverse requirements of the international market, Klimallco has developed a unique AHU casing construction that allows for many configurations and component options. As an example, you may want a vertical standing double skin casing with a front horizontal discharge. This describes some of your requirements but as you go into more detail about the filter plenum, electric heater bank and humidifier section you start to realize the limitations of a simple paper catalogue. It is now much easier to choose the convenient air-handling unit with the help of the Klimallco AHU selection software program designed by the Klimallco research and development engineering department. The Klimallco AHU Selection software program is an excellent and user-friendly tool, helping the engineers to run previously time consuming and complicated selection procedures in only a few minutes. The Klimallco AHU selection software program simplifies the complexity of any given design and minimizes the time required for its selection completion.
Some of the features of the Klimallco AHU selection program are:
- Size selection through face velocity of the air Selection of cooling and heating, water or evaporator, coils with a presentation of on/off air conditions on the psychometric chart.
- Using air flow and external static pressure, the detailed drawing of in front and Plan View can be appeared through some simple “clicks” of a p/c mouse, which defines the components required.
- Creation of detailed drawings with unit configuration, marking the components to be included from a existing list.
All the main components that need to be selected for an AHU are included in the selection procedure such as:
- Fans (forward, backward, airfoil or plug fans)
- Motors (2, 4, 6, 8 poles single or double speed)
Relative drive sets based on airflow and total static pressure, with a presentation of the resulting operating point on the characteristic fan curves, Cooling coils, Heating coil, Recovery systems plate heat exchangers, or thermal wheels, run around coils or Heat pipes, Sound attenuators (including noise regeneration calculation), Humidifiers, Filters. In every project, the user can customize the general technical input such as pressure drop, outside air conditions, inside air conditions, and coil properties. This way there is no need to set the same parameters for every air-handling unit separately under the same project.
Users can save any selection using a great variety of parameters (Country - Area – City, project name or category etc), which gives a great flexibility to recall it and have a full statistic analysis of their work. Results can be either printed or e – mailed in *.PDF format.
Drawings can be reformed in *.DXF format which allows the user, to transfer them on the mechanical room, drawing, through AUTOCAD® or similar CAD software.