Outdoor installation
capacity: 109,0 kW - 2.180,0 kW
The Klimallco Cooling Towers are used in cooling systems for the cooling of recirculated water. They are available in 16 models with capacities ranging from 109kW up to 2180kW, allowing to select the correct model for any application.
This Klimallco series is ideal in combination with existing or new water cooled chillers installations for the cooling of water for commercial and industrial applications.
- Modular design from heavy gauge hot dip galvanised steel sheets, assembled exclusively using bolts avoiding welding
- PVC water headers provide uniform water distribution.
- Exchanging surface made of corrugated PVC sheets, easily replaceable.
- Centrifugal fans double inlet forward curved, selected for low revolutions offering a quiet and vibration free operation.
- 4-pole IP55, 3-phase, induction motors.
- Drive system with taper bush pulleys and V-belts. Belt-guard protected.
- Hot-dip easily accessed galvanised drop eliminators.
- Bleed-off water system increases corrosion protection.
- Special open type plastic nozzles are equipped with a water spinning device and are easily removable requiring minimum maintenance.